Are you stuck in a rut? At work or at home? Do you feel like everyday is the same old routine? Being a stay at home mom of babies I have felt this way and even before I had kids I had times I felt this way. I have discovered some great ways to change things up and found ways to make the same routine fun if you cannot change your current one. If you cannot change jobs for whatever reason or change certain things in your life or relationships, you can always change your perspective/attitude or little things you do that can actually make a huge, huge difference in it being a good, great, or crappy day. I use to think it is all about my circumstances (“When my kid gets older” or “when I get a new job”).

1.  Try doing an Act of Random Kindness (ARK) each day or each hour….Do this from a full heart, not in an effort to get a thank you or feel appreciated, do it just because.  I realized how to tell the difference.  If I do something nice for someone (stranger or family) and I feel upset when I don’t get thanked, then I know I didn’t do it from a full heart-I then didn’t do it just to do it for them.  When you do it from a full heart, purely for that other person, it just fills you with good feelings that last all day.  When you do it to be thanked, that good feeling is pretty short lived.  It is funny how doing the right thing, what Jesus and preachers preach all about, when you do things in a selfless way-it is then that you are the happiest.  God’s way truly is the only way that works if you are looking to be happy, or looking to change anything in your life.  Be selfless and let God fill you with all your heart desires.  When we try to fill ourselves, we only end up emptying all the goods and filling up with junk….negative feelings.

2.  Increase the Oxygen!…I recently started working out again, just an hour a day or night.  I either do a yoga video or go the family gym and get on the eliptical or walk at the track.  It is amazing how much better I feel after just a few days of it!  Mentally and physically.  I already feel more positive about life and have more energy to get through the hectic days.  It’s nice to have me time again too away from everyone.  While I workout, I like to listen to positive music or think of positive things.  I will count my blessings, think of future goals I want to accomplish or try and come up with solutions to things I need or ways to make life a little easier for me or someone else.

3.  Write in a Journal or read an inspirational book or story online.  During a break at work is a great time to look up an inspiring story or a funny comic to make yourself feel lifted up or laugh a little. is an awesome website that is all about inspirational, unique leaders giving speeches.  One of my favorites was a speech the creator of Google gave!  So inspiring his leadership and ability to make this world a better place, one act of random kindness to employees and businesses at a time.

4.  Find things to laugh at!! This one sounds crazy but it works!  I have at very rough times gone long periods without laughing, sad but true.  It is one of the best cures and the most important things we should never forget to do!  We should all laugh everyday, why do kids have so much energy??  I say it is because they laugh! They laugh at everything! Everything can be looked at in a funny way if we try and see it that way.  We got to stay realistic, but hopeful especially in times of trial.  Jesus came he said so that we can enjoy life.  Enjoy it!!

5.  This one is the hardest, but it is so worth the effort.  Try not to worry, reason, or let your mind wander.  About what?  About anything!  Let go and let God is my saying.  In James 1:5 it says “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you..but when you ask Him, make sure your faith is in God alone.  Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea.”  This passage got me through a lot this year, when times got rough or I wanted to start worrying or analyzing things, I told myself- “I trust in God and God alone.”  Because what you are doing when you worry or analyze is you are trying to find a solution on your own.  God already has the solution, the answer.  Ask him, with unwavering loyalty, and trust.   Even with small stuff at work, big stuff at home, small stuff at home, whatever is stealing your joy….trust.   As the book the Secret says, Ask-Believe-Receive.   The answer or solution may not happen how you want it, but it will happen, letting go of your own expectations helps.  Us women, we got control issues, we got to train ourselves to trust more.  To have faith.  To let God do our worrying, so we can enjoy life and our family and our coworkers-even if they are a pain sometimes 🙂  Remember, God’s in the changing business, we are in the serving business.  Only God can change people and most circumstances.  Joyce Meyer said that.